Yesterday, we went home to Blue Ridge. We spent the day with our friends, on the creek, in a place I have been going to since I was a child.
Friday, November 27, 2009
Blue Ridge
Yesterday, we went home to Blue Ridge. We spent the day with our friends, on the creek, in a place I have been going to since I was a child.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
5260, 629
Two meanings.
Is this the deep post on days as a mother?
Is this the number of sleepless nights I have enjoyed?
The number of diapers I have changed?
No. nonononononononono...
There are 5,260 emails in my inbox.
There are 629 unread emails in my inbox.
Morbid curiosity drew me to the beginning of my downward spiral of email management, and it coincides with 2004 - the year of the twin pregnancy. And I started reading some of the mail, from some dear friends and family and.... I STILL! Could. Not. Delete.
I love to look back at those!
I do not love to see the Unread column - which is e-bill notifications that I, in my clear and present state of lucid evaluation (which has lasted 5 years) decided to leave unread, because as we all know - if an email is left unread it Will Be Noticed! And Paid On Time! Of course! At least.... until it scrolls down to the next page. Into the email underworld of forgottenness. We're lucky our power is on, water still runs, and trash gets picked up. And you just learned something about me. I Pay The Bills.
Oh scary thought. Oh scary bill-paying-forgetfulness. Oh butt-clenching-middle-of-the-night-remembering-of-mortgage!
No, really, we're in no danger at all. Auto-pay is my friend. Auto-pay and I have a love-love relationship. It takes care of our bills, I leave the emails Unread.
So I deleted a few emails, and then distracted and congratulated myself by reading a few more oldie-but-goodies.
I cannot even say that I will ever clean out the inbox. Thankfully, hotmail, in it's wisdom, has done away with whatever came before 2004.
Umm, overwhelmed much? Is your inbox empty or full?
This is how I spend the morning when the ducklings are home from school, roaming around waiting for something to happen. Writing a post about nothing.
You're welcome.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Feast Day
9:45am - turkey songs in the preK class.
"Mr. Turkey, Mr. Turkey are you getting nice & fat? We will have you for Thxgiving, now what do you think of that!"
And there stood the 4 year olds, wiggling their arms, humming the words, and staring at the roomful of parents. Like deer in the headlights. Dressed like Indians.
Jadyn camouflaged herself, and phantomed her way out of any pictures I tried to take.
Next, the teacher had them each step forward and say what they are thankful for.
They are such herd animals! One boy said he was thankful for his Mommy, and that was it - the whole class was thankful for their Mommy - except one little boy who preferred his dog. Wide eyes, all, thankful for Mommy... Mommy... Mommy... dog... Mommy...
10:45-11:15 Sleep, Phoenix, sleep fast! (And then go play at Rachael's - because one feast is enough for you!)
11:25 - 3rd grade Feast. Complete with handmade placecards and placemats. Cole enjoyed his pb&j and I enjoyed his feast.
12:15 - Whew. One feast and 3 desserts later... I waddled home feeling like it was naptime. (Yes, I finished every one of my children's desserts. Strawberry shortcake. Mmm. There are very few things public school cafeterias make well. This was tasty.)
In other news, Phoenix had his 18 month check-up yesterday. I love to get those print-outs, and come home to compare his growth with the others. But it's not always a good thing to have tall children - they become small giants just when you want to freeze them. For example - the girls at 4 are wearing size 6. They are sweet and tall - and got there too quickly. All of a sudden it is hitting us, just how big they are getting. We watched some videos last weekend, of them at age 1 and 2, and it was hilarious and bittersweet.
Isabella, so verbal and vocal - "It's my turn!"
Jadyn so scampy and mischievous.
I pulled out their baby books today, to see their size at 18 months - and said "Oh no!"
Phoenix is the same height, 33 inches, that they both were at his age. Though quite a bit leaner, if you remember the fat-rollage on those girls. :) They were 3 pounds heavier than he is, my long lean little fellow.
You know what this means. Small Whirlwind will get an extra measure of grace for all of his hijinks today, because he is on track to sprout and shoot up and not be my little Mr. Big anymore. And for all their troublesome messes, toddlers are sweetness. The excitement of each first word, and the thrill of understanding what in the world they are trying to say. It's my favorite age, when the words start.
The years passed so slowly when they weren't marked by inches.
Friday, November 20, 2009
A World where magic is real...
The whole idea has brought back memories of my childhood trips to Disney. I'll wrangle some time for one of those stories soon.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Almost News... OK - News!
Monday, November 16, 2009
In Which I have News but Don't Tell It
Settle down.
Despite Cole's daily wish for another baby sister, it is not to be. That is not The News. (Seriously? He does wish for more babies every day. Every. Day. I feel a little twinge for his future wife, and hope she's a good breeder. The boy loves babies. As he left for school, chattering all the way out the door, he remarked out of blue about how surprised he was when he found out Phoenix was coming. In a sentimental way, like he wanted that feeling again. Of course, combined with the feeling of superiority he carries as the eldest. Oy.)
But back to The News. A certain Secret Santa has provided a certain sizable family with a certain Trip for Christmas. Care to guess who, what or where?
It is News. Big News.
It is all I can think about and plan for and obsess about, because, you know, wow. Wow!!
A Gift And a Trip! A Gift OF a Trip!
The Trip will take place in 26 days and last for 6 days. A countdown calendar has been made, and if you think you detect {almost} equal parts excitement and apprehension, you would be right.
This announcement is also by way of explanation of the no-show I've been pulling lately, here at the Borderland. As I plan and ponder, I put forth every effort to control the uncontrollable - and we all know where that will get me. Well, hopefully down to the Mexican bar on the corner - Ole! But realistically... ahem.
Go ahead, give it a guess - you've got a {random} clue to go on, somewhere in the last several posts - and I'll be working on The Reveal post for tomorrow. 'Cause I can't stop thinking about it long enough to write about anything else. Even cute babies. Ack!
Monday, November 9, 2009
I have not gone to Ninja
There are many things going on, as usual in our household, and most have been photographed in hopes of delighting and enlightening or at the very least, umm, inspiring posters for birth control. But I have promised to show you My New Spot, aka The Desk-y Love of My Life - and today I deliver! In the words of Zach Gill, keyboardist for Jack Johnson, don't touch my stuff... I know right where everything is... (take a listen, if only for that first line, very catchy stuff.)
Hours have passed since I began this post. Is that information crucial? Well, yes. Yes it is. It is pertinent because I was about to reveal The Spot, which was rearranged and created by shifting furniture and houseplants. The houseplants, which are huge and greatly loved by the adults around here, have resided behind enemy lines (eg - baby gates) since the girls began crawling. But in order to arrange My Spot, we risked moving a big corn plant into the family room. I gave it until Thursday. As you will kindly notice, that large appealing dirt pile made it until Monday, noontime, which is only 3 days. Small Boy was busily flinging dirt everywhere, and when I caught him and whisper-croaked "Stop!" he just flung himself belly-down, right on top of the dirt.
I thought he was happily entertaining himself while I blogged. OK, yes, so he was. But isn't it ironic that he entertained himself with the one messy addition to the room that was occasioned by my new desk?? As I was telling you about my desk?? Ironic?? Or just toddler-ish and scampy.
And now for the great reveal of my new home-at-home! It's a bird, it's a plane.... it's Super-desk!
Here it is in lock-down mode, where the aforementioned Stuff, which does happen to include scrapping and card-making supplies, can rest and wait for me to come back at leisure. Ahhh.
And here it is in work mode! There I sit, clickety-clacking away! Check out all the outrageous doors o' storage on this baby! The bottom two are still {empty} which is just thrilling.
Are you ready for the kicker?? Did you know there would be one?? The desk was a good luck find at an outlet, for the preciously low, low price of $99.
Yes, friends. $99. I saw her, I dreamed about her, I could not sleep until I had her in my possession. Why she is female, I do not know. Perhaps the mystery of her many and varied compartments? Her elegant yet spacious accoutrements? This is getting weird. I'm out of here.
This concludes your introduction to Ms. Desk. Consider yourself friends. But don't touch my stuff.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Irresistible Mickey
Cute babies are irresistible. Cute Mickey Mouse-clad babies even moreso. But cute Mickey Mouse babies that clean up after a party? Bring it, Mickey! My neighbor/ friend Rachael had Vega's 3rd birthday party on Halloween, and little Mickey saw the mess and went straight for the vaccuum.
I don't know why a baby boy in black tights & a puffy Mickey suit is so hilarious - but we smiled all evening as he puttered around in that round dumpling. So I thought I'd spread more smiles... and work the Mickey suit for one more day.