Saturday, April 16, 2011

What's New

Allow me to cleanse your palate from that last post, and switch from pottying toddlers to what's new outside! I am a container gardener, hi. My comfort zone is containers, though I am trying to branch out. (Front bed, you are my nemesis!) Still, each season my favorite things are the fresh pots lining the front walkway. Realistically, I can control what goes in them, what I put there stays there, and nobody messes with them. Friends, these flower pots may be the ONLY things that applies to around here! :) So, yes, cherished they are...
This year I'm trying something new. Meet my little Alberta spruce:

I have looked at the ones trimmed as topiaries for years, but they are too pricey. This year I thought I would try to trim one myself, after this little cutie grows a bit. This could be great... or... well... I will be hopeful.

This is the showstopper clematis. The vine that I can ignore all year long, and it never holds it against me. I almost feel bad taking compliments about it from the neighbors, as though it is listening and rolling it's eyes. She doesn't even water me, and barely refreshes the pine straw around me! Forget about any weeding...

And now we are heading out to browse the booths at a local art festival. How that will shake out is anyone's guess. Though I am hopeful about this as well. :) But with a brood tagging along, well, it's anyone's game.

Have a sunny weekend...

1 comment:

  1. Those pots are fun!
    The clematis is beautiful.
    I tried to grow one of those one time....


Put it right here, babe!