Sunday, September 19, 2010

The Sunday Creative - Abundance

Great wells of life have poured forward
I am overflowing.
Life abundant, said my friend
We are promised life, and life abundant.
Yet not given explanation of this,
or Clues on Whether or Wherefore or How this cup will fill to our satisfaction.
It will be abundant in every corner, she claims
In every aspect this life offers.
We will feel this life across the spectrum, says abundance.
Challenge, exhilaration.
Grief, bliss.
Tumult, calm.
I am still feeling.
Loving, struggling, aspiring, falling

Thank you for reading, and welcoming me to The Sunday Creative crowd...


  1. Did you write this? It is beautiful! It reads so easy and makes sense and leaves you feeling it...

    Good Choice for today.


  2. Thanks, Ivy! Yes, I wrote it this morning in response to the prompt. A little Sunday challenge, for as long as the creative juices flow...

  3. So much deeper than my thought of photographing my pile of ironing needing to be done. Beautiful, B...I love when you share the results of your flowing creative juices!

  4. I also like it. It is simple, beautiful and warm. Thank you for sharing.

  5. What a lovely poem. Beautifully written.


Put it right here, babe!