Friday, March 26, 2010

The Realm of No

We have entered the Realm of No, a treacherous world where meaning is ambiguous and reality is questionable.

"Are you hungry?" I ask, holding out a cracker.
"No!" he responds, reaching for the cracker.

"Are you thirsty?" I ask, offering some milk.
"No!" he insists, grabbing the cup.

"No!" he tells his toys. "No-o-o!" he yells at his siblings.

"Ready for dinner?" I ask, reaching for his arms.
"No!" he yells,climbing into his chair.

Hello, no.
So we meet again.

Phoenix, perched in his "get mommy off the computer" spot


  1. mama,

    may i perch my cute self on the side of the chair?--NO!
    happy day!

  2. Stinker-boy strikes again! Roooaaarrrr!


Put it right here, babe!