Monday, January 17, 2011

A World Away

Let's take a respite from ice and snow! I've been meaning to tell you about our adventure to the Wild Animal Safari, in Pine Mountain, GA. We took advantage of the ONE warm, sunny day which happened to be December 31, and the Groupons I had bought awhile back, and we went on safari. This place was a blast, and it did not disappoint in the up-close interaction with the animals. The Park is a refuge for exotic species, and the main attraction is the safari drive through it's acreage. We bought bags of food pellets, and prepared for the hour-long drive...
Here we go!

Luckily, a fight over window space encouraged us to rent a zebra van - which seriously saved our own van from encountering antlers and much slobber.

This is me, feeding a giraffe. I was awed by how very gentle this animal was. It very tenderly lipped the food from my palm, and I blathered about it for the next half mile.

Maybe not the most exotic, but these pigs and piglets were hilarious! Phoenix pointed and yelled piggies, and I squealed Wee! Wee! Wee! I'm sure no one got tired of that.

Cole tentatively holds some food, which that buffalo is determined to get, railing or no.

I mean really, how cool is this!
Here's to rain melting the last of The Great Deep Freeze. If you missed the Martin post, here it is. Cole is still at it, expounding on the achievements of the civil rights movement, much to the wide-eyed adoration of his sisters...
"Girls, Martin is the man who made it possible for you to go to school with Anushka!"
Happy MLK, Jr. Day!


  1. You don't blather!! But that bird in the second photo has me reconsidering a visit to this spot.
    And I loved "Extension". Thanks.

  2. I didn't realize this was there! How cool! It really does look like the African safari, though I was a little nervous when we took a night tour in an open vehicle with no roof or windows. I was terrified that a lion was going to have us for dinner! LOL!


Put it right here, babe!