Thursday, October 7, 2010

The Sunday Creative - Nostalgia

I wear my pining on my sleeve
I cannot tuck it away.
It is fresh despite years, and full of undenied longing

Logic has no place
in the realm of the heart
And that heart wants to hear a voice

A voice from the ether, a voice from the past
I cannot even say that 'just once'
would satisfy.

And gentle nostalgia lays no claim to this squeezing
twisting yearning
needing of a father.

If a voice could say all's right with the world
I know that voice for me...
And I long for it.


I am late this week, but committed! Check out The Sunday Creative and the offerings of other creatives... and thank you for checking out my post.

1 comment:

  1. I know this longing as well, my friend. Wonderfully written.
    P.S. I hope your crew is feeling better.


Put it right here, babe!