Sunday, January 30, 2011

The Sunday Creative - Extent

To the extent of my knowledge
is a loopy old term
Having an inclusion and an exclusion
in the same line.
Some of the best things to know
are those things I am learning, that were out of my realm
Owning that, opening up, welcoming the unknown
without fear
Hoping for enlightenment, searching for purpose
to the extent of my ability.
And here we are again.
Curlicue, curlicue, take me around.
Which came first, the extent or the reaching beyond that extent?


I only know that I am claiming no extent, not as long as google is around. :) Here are the other Sunday Creative submissions, for your browsing pleasure.


  1. ooh challenging! Never thought of using the prompt for writing, might consider that next week, thanks for the inspiration.

  2. Lovely writing. I agree with your thoughts. Extent of my knowledge, such lawyer speak.
    Thank you for sharing.

  3. Thank you so much for stopping by!

  4. What wise words! You have put elegant prose to feelings I hold very deep!


Put it right here, babe!