Thursday, May 13, 2010

False Start

So, if this was a real makeover show, things would have happened on schedule.
Instead, this is real life. In which the hardwood installer's truck broke down on the side of the road. The fellow was so sincere and apologetic, I could hardly groan at him. OK, maybe one tiny groan about how I was disappointed...
And then on with the day. They should arrive first thing tomorrow, and complete the job in one day. (?!) This makes my eyebrows raise, and have a hard time coming down.
The two day job became a one day job - and the content husband started grumbling about people possibly cutting corners. And the wife that stacked all the breakables in the loft for Just One Night is now seeing the writing on the wall.

The day was good! How could it be otherwise, when I got in the car and started driving along to Love Shack! And I was actually heading down the Atlanta Highway... and man, I wish I was looking for the love getaway! But I did have a car as big as a whale! I can dare you not to be happy under those circumstances, dude. Dare. Sign says: Stay away fools!

So I eventually grooved on over to the school, for day 4 of Teacher Appreciation: In Which I Volunteer for Lunch Duty. Here are a few of the questions I fielded, because truly - the kids were all great. No shakedown food fights here. No, there were polite hands-a-held-high as the kiddos waited to have their burning questions answered.

"Umm, why are all these new people here?"
"Could I have some ketchup?"
"Are you a Mommy?"

And my personal favorites: "Are crocodiles dinosaurs?" followed by "Are dinosaurs alive?" Luckily these were both within my parental provenance. That boy will have so much fun looking for live dinosaurs! Rule! And his parents will never find that lunch lady...
(you know I'm listening to Love Shack right now)

Next it was time to meet a lady about a chocolate.
But that's a topic for another post...

Tiiiiiinnn roof's. Rusted.

1 comment:

  1. You are too funny, girl! Love the birthday post, too! Although, I probably will have a heck of a time getting that song out of my head thanks for that. (c;


Put it right here, babe!