Wednesday, October 22, 2008

A Happy Day

Today marks the day that R-i-c-k-e-y was born! Why does he spell his childhood nickname with an e-y? Nobody knows. And his mama is 96 now, so she ain't tellin' and may not even be aware that I use that name so frequently. I love this smile. I do not love this muscle shirt. :)
To celebrate Rickey's special day, I put a treat in his suitcase, for him to open in his hotel. I don't know why. Just had a wild hare that I would encourage his lifelong appreciation for H@lle Berry, rather than wishing my poor ole pale self could ever be that glam. So, in went the latest Esqu!re mag, though I did read the article first, and may I say, Ms. Berry IS all that. And they were remaking the iconic Clinton cover this month - very cool. While finding this pic, I learned that H@lle is from Ohio, too, like R. Coincidence? I think not.

Here is Rickey in his Daddy hat, which he wears so competently. He threatens to take over my job. I threaten to let him.

Happy Day, to my main man. May you know the quantity of my love by the way I posted multiple muscle shirt pics even though I am so anti-muscle-shirt. You have me over a barrel. Cover those guns, H@lle's on the prowl.

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