Saturday, April 18, 2020

Quarantine Got Me Like 2005

This is it friends, the moment that the wheel of time takes us full circle and as we pass by things forgotten, they become new to us again. I find myself distilled, paring down to what really matters. Dusting off my blog, as 2020 reminds me of 2005 days spent almost entirely at home with new twins and a toddler.

The quarantine and all it has brought to us - from the work realm and being absolutely slammed staffing healthcare providers in covid hot spots, to the home realm and homeschooling a hostile learner.

Another election cycle, where I last left you on the borderland with a heavy heart in 2016. Not much has changed. I am 100 years older and 100 times more cynical and yet hope is curled like a nesting rabbit in my chest.

Creativity is a funny thing. Artists and writers muse on it all the time, debating how to inspire it, how to maintain it, how to find it, why it goes missing from time to time. This spring it has found me again. Will report back.


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Put it right here, babe!